Joi, 14 aprilie, intre orele 17.00 - 20.00, va avea loc Simpozionul referitor la Stabilitatea Financiara, in Aula Magna, Universitatea Romano-Americana din Bd. Expozitiei nr. 1B cu urmatorul program:
In deschiderea simpozionului (la ora 15.00) ii va fi decernat titlul de Doctor Honoris Causa profesorului Iftekhar Hasan, Lally School of Management &Technology, USA; Managing Editor of the Journal of Financial Stability si profesor asociat la DOFIN, ASE.


1. Bogdan Negrea, Head of the Money and Banking Department, AES: Financial Crises Magnitude. An Approach Based on Richter Earthquake Scale
2. Ionut Dumitru, President of the Romanian Association of Financial Analysts: Fiscal Sustainability Challenges in Romania
3. Lucian Isar, Dofin-ASE: Endogenous Risk, Risk Management and Financial Stability
4. Nicolaie Alexandru Chidesciuc, Romanian Association of Financial Analysts and Romanian-American University: Eurozone imbalances: implications for Romania
5. Bogdan Moinescu, Money and Banking Department, AES,Adrian Codirlasu, President, CFA Romania: Households’ overdue loans: signs from the money and labor markets
6. Adrian Mitroi, Secretary General, CFA Romania:Macroeconomics of Crisis: Borrowing Time
7. Tony A. Romani, Columbia University, USA: From Efficient Market Hypothesis to Behavioural Finance, and back
Discussions and comments
Organized by the Romanian-American University-Bucharest, CFA-Romania, DOFIN-AES and the Romanian Association of Financial Analysts.